Top Ten Tuesday: For your Fantasy Book Club

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week on Top Ten Tuesday we are recommending books for book clubs. This could be a book club based off of a genre, author, etc.

I don’t think I have ever been a part of a book club. Yep…never. So maybe my list is a bit ridiculous, but I think that these books would be awesome to throw into a book club that focuses on Fantasy. I think that a lot of these books would lead to some great discussions on the stories that they may be based off of, the roles of women, and the development of characters as well as many other things. So, here are some books that I would love to add to the list for a Fantasy book club…

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman * Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay * Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce * The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine * The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons * The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen * A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess * Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo * The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh * The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor

When looking through my books I tried to make it so that not EVERY single one was the start of a series (meaning that honestly only 3 of them aren’t the start to the series and I am so sorry, but one is just a duology and quite a few are just trilogies). I wanted to try to find ones that not EVERYONE was talking about. Even though I would have loved to include Throne of Glass or Harry Potter, I decided that they were too high up in the popularity to be on there (but I had to include Shadow and Bone. I just fell so hard in love with it and I couldn’t leave it off the list). Obviously there are so many other books that I could choose, but these are the ten I happened to choose today.

What books would you add to a fantasy book club, adult and YA?

17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: For your Fantasy Book Club

  1. These are such great choices, omg. More books to add to my TBR!
    I absolutely loved the Grisha series. The world building was absolutely amazing. I mean yeah at first it was very overwhelming cause of all these Grisha terms but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty much a fun read.
    I’ve yet to check out Princess of Thorns as I’ve only read Stacey Jay’s zombie books and it was really cool

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      1. Grisha is amazing and I loved how Six of Crows still takes place in the Grishaverse, which includes cameos from the original series. Also great to find out that while Leigh Bardugo is taking a break from it, she’s not done writing about Grisha. Something to look forward to!

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  2. Greg Hill

    Fantasy is such an amazing topic, I would love to have a book club to talk fantasy. These all look pretty good although Queen of the Tearling is the only one I’ve read. The Glass arrow and the Looking Glass both look interesting.

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  3. I ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY adore The Wrath and The Dawn and Shadow and Bone, they’re such awesomely discussable reads. I did like Queen of the Tearling, but Invasion sort of ruined the series for me!

    I can’t WAIT to read A Shadow Bright and Burning and Princess of Thorns. They sound GREAT and I can’t wait to begin!


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    1. Thank you! I haven’t read Invasion yet. I am always nervous to continue on with a series if it starts out so strongly for me. We shall see. Hope you get to those two soon! Princess of Thorns was just fun and enjoyable and ASBAB was a new series that I am so glad I started. Can’t wait for book two! Hope you like them!


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