Top Ten Tuesday: Graphic Novels!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Hello all! Welcome back to yet another Top Ten Tuesday, where we list off our favorite books and bookish things. This week we are talking about our favorite graphic novels. Now, I don’t know about you…but we have some (but seriously, only some) experience with graphic novels. It seems that just within the last few years there have been a large number of graphic novels released that really felt like they were targeted at an audience larger than teenage boys. Getting lost in a graphic novel can be so fun, and it’s sometimes a nice break from the long books that we continue to read. So, here are some of our favorite graphic novels and some that we may be looking to read in the future…


I do love a good graphic novel, or graphic novel series. Even with that love I am still relatively new to graphic novels. My husband helps me a lot as far as finding ones with good art and a solid story. Here are a few of the graphic novels that I have enjoyed…

The Walking Dead | The Sandman | The Killing Joke | Hawkeye | Deadpool (various volumes) | The Hedge Knight | Alex + Ada 


Ok, not gonna lie here, I haven’t ever read a graphic novel before. Though after talking with Emily, I am really up to trying some! Any type of reading is good with me, so in light of this weeks TTT, I am putting together a list of a few graphic novels that have caught my eye and would like to read in the future.

The Hobbit | Legend | Pride and Prejudice and Zombies | Watchmen | V for Vendetta | Batman: Year One

QUESTION: What are some of your favorite graphic novels? (seriously, you should tell us. We clearly need to add more graphic novels to our TBR).