Scared of the Hype…Help me out!

We all know those books. Those books that EVERYONE is talking about. Those books that people are saying everyone should read because they are just so good. Basically the books that have people doing this when they are talking about how great it is:

It’s just a lot to take in. Now before I continue, let me make one thing clear…I love freaking out over books. I love talking about them and trying to get everyone I know to read my favorite. I love that people get excited about books and want everyone to read them. I love the excitement. I love the hype. But…at the same time the hype is terrifying. I could easily blame this on being a Minnesota sports fan. Most of us know that we can’t fully succumb the the hype (as I sit here drinking that purple kool aid yet refusing to fully get on the hype train GO VIKES!). I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop. ALWAYS. So when people go on and on about these hyped books I start thinking about how awesome it would be to read it and join the hype train. And then I start getting a bit of anxiety. Mostly I worry about not liking it as much as EVERYONE ELSE seems to just love it. Honestly, that is my biggest concern. I don’t necessarily want to be the odd man out. Because of this there are many books/series that are just sitting on my TBR that I just haven’t gotten to yet because of fear. So today I am going to throw out the names of 3 books/series that have so much hype that they both terrify and excite me. Because I know that this fear is making it so that I miss out on some awesome books.

The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater. The love you all have for this series is amazing, but also scary. The amount of people I have had to suggest this series is ridiculous. And I have read the first chapter. I have started the audiobook many times. But then I stopped. I stopped because of the fear of not liking it as much as the book world seems to love it. I love that everyone loves it. But that fact also scares me from ever trying it. Is it about time I ignore my fear and dive into this one? 

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I have hardly hear a bad thing about this book, minus the fact that it toys with your emotions and breaks your heart into a million pieces. The format of this book is definitely interesting to me. But what if I don’t like this one? I feel like I would be in the minority, and I would much rather be spreading the love like everyone else. Should I just tell myself to stop thinking and just give in? 

Something Strange and Deadly by Susand Dennard. This book has definitely been talked about a lot lately with me and book loving friends because I know there was a read-along going on. Reading the synopsis it sounds like something I could really like. It sounds like something I could definitely get lost in. But ohhhh man do people talk highly of this book, this series, and this author. I had the ebook checked out for awhile but just never opened it up. Is it time I just give in? I mean at least ALL the books are out for this series.

Ok, so help me out. Should I just dive into these books and ignore my fears of being all alone in the possibility of disliking them? I would love to hear if you have read any of these and why you think I should pick them up. Fangirl away. We all do it. I mean, in the long run…that’s the entire point of my blog. To discuss books and love on them and try to get others to read them.

What are some hyped books that you are a little bit scared of?

6 thoughts on “Scared of the Hype…Help me out!

  1. :-/ I’m not going to be helpful at all… two of these books didn’t live up to the hype for me. For the Raven Boys, it just took me forever to read, but I loved the ending. I even gave Dream Thieves a shot too, but it also has a slowish beginning (but again pretty epic ending). For Something Strange and Deadly, it was okay, but fell flat on a couple of things for me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed both of these books, but I do think I had high expectations from the hype.


    1. Oh no worries! It’s kind of refreshing to hear that not everyone really is in love with these books. I think the hype is so huge that I just expect everyone to look them. This helps much more than you think.


  2. I guess you should just jump into it, because you’ll never know if you like it unless you try (I know, boring advice). If it’s not your cup of tea, then you could always DNF… 😉 I’ve read Something Strange and Deadly and I can’t say I liked it so much to read the second. Like you, I’ve been recommended The Raven Boys several times; I’ve just never gotten around to it. Happy reading!

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